



 Company History






The Problem

The Solution





AOPA Article

A Balancing Tour


Vibration Analysis

















Good morning Jason,

I was calling to see if you are still in the market for a dynamic propeller balance kit?  This past May, I had sent you the Model 2020HR Turbo proposal (see attached). 

We will be having a 5% price increase effective Jan. 1, 2008. 

As a special incentive, if you place your order by Nov. 30th, I can provide an additional 3% discount (or $150 off) the Model 2020HR Turbo base kit price of $4,991.00.  Your price: $4,841.00. 

We hope you can take advantage of the 3% discount this month and avoid the 2008 price hike.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Eric Hale

ACES Systems

865-218-5852 (my direct line)


Eric, I am a very honest person and will level with you. I currently use Harmony Aviation (Doug Shears) for all my prop balancing needs. He does NOT use an ACES machine. I'm not sure why. In fact, I'm not sure exactly which equipment he uses. His has experience beyond his years and has balanced thousands of props/engines. Basically you have some very reputable and experienced competition that gives me quite a break on labor rates. I consider him honest, and very dependable. The only issue I have is when he is out of town, which is usually the only time I consider getting my own machine, which is what  we talked about at the Maintenance Conference. This is rare and I have his personal cell number as well as his home number along with his business number. It is not that I would not like my own machine at times, but he is so convenient and I only need to point at the plane needing balancing and walk away.  Unless it is a turbo prop, he runs them, taxis them, and does all weight additions. I have to do nothing, all the while he hands me a very small invoice, discounted from his off the street or standard customers.

Until Doug can not provide me with the usual exceptional service, I am not in the market for balancing equipment. If he decides to pursue other interests, I will be calling you first thing. 

Thanks for all your information and help. It has not gone unnoticed and again, if Doug decides to move on, you will be the first guy I call.  

Best regards,

Jason Erickson

DOM Maintenance

Wipaire, Inc.


(651) 306-0357 direct

(651) 755-1570 cell